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Kenyan Advertising:More Talk,Less Emotions.

By  Unknown     00:32    Labels:,,,, 

Week in ,week out we go back to our homes after a hard day's work  and turn on the telly (for those who haven't been switched off yet) to catch up with the latest news and our favorite shows.As the show is getting interesting an ad appears smack in the middle.I  understand that's how the TV networks earn their bucks but the mere sight of some TV adverts is enough to send you into a fit.It's sad to see firms spending ludicrous amounts of money on shoddy adverts that fall way off the mark.
The picture above illustrates what an ideal advert should be like for any firm's brand.It's not enough for consumers to pick you out of from competitor brands whenever they are out shopping because of price cuts, which in the long run will diminish your brand value as well.Your goal is achieved when consumers believe you are the only one with the solution to their problems.Most firms, me thinks are obsessed with the sales they forget the role  branding plays in the achievement of meeting quotas and targets .The ads doing rounds on TV some at prime time paint a picture of analog marketing tactics.They are too cliche.The ad starts with the  product straight away.This product does this blah blah blah(at this point am almost puking)it's hard to convince anyone that your product is the best when your competitor also runs a similar ad.The consumers are left more confused and you can't guarantee loyalty.Times have changed so should a firm's marketing strategy.Consumers are now smarter and more sophisticated than they were five years ago,blame it on globalization if you may.They now  have a wide array of options to choose from.The internet has made it possible to order merchandise from abroad and have it delivered right at your doorstep.Firms are seeking not only to get the attention of consumers but to keep it.So what's the trick to get them hooked on your brand??

The missing link  is just Emotional Marketing.Emotional marketing starts with a feeling and then the product demonstrates that feeling.An ad should start with a customers emotional priority not the firms agenda .The product then becomes a  means to an end.Take a look at the current ads being done by Coca cola and Guinness and it suddenly hits you that at no point in the advert do they talk about their product .For instance the coke ad is promoting kindness and when people go around doing random acts of kindness they just happen to be sipping on a coke.People now will associate coke with kindness and joy, this forges a much more  lasting bond with their clients.They don't feel like its being forced on them(see ad here)The  Guinness ad focuses on making a name for oneself in the different fields of expertise.At the end of the day all these people meet at a pub and share a Guinness which is a big name too( see ad  here)The most memorable line in the ad that i cant  seem to forget is  "A man's name finds meaning not in what he says but in what he does."
What firms need to do is research more on what makes consumers tick and get in touch with consumers feelings.If they are going to be interrupting our shows with ads, then they better be worth it.

 (image sources:web)


About Unknown

Marketer | Social Media Consultant |Geo Geek | Athlete


Unknown said...

oooh i love it man

Unknown said...

Thanks bro.I also follow your blog.keep it up

Jeffrey Olwande said...

one man samba, goodies

Unknown said...

Good read.Hope the relevant parties will get to read, understand and implement:)

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