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6 Quick Tips on Improving Your Social Media Presence

By  Unknown     01:58    Labels:,,, 

To some folks, social media is as foreign as snow in Machakos whilst others think that social media is just about having a page and a twitter account,these need prayers.I've been dabbling in this social media stuff for quite some time now and  I thought I'd share what I have witnessed over that time. 

#1)Be a social pro

Simply put you’ve got to be where your potential customers/clients are.This does not mean that you’ve got to be on every social media platform available.It's tiring I assure you.Preferences for social media networks for people vary a lot. There are some who are only on twitter hence if you focus on Facebook alone you lose out on those ones.Find out where your intended target audience is and focus on them in order to have maximum impact.

#2)Schedule your posts 
Resist the urge to simply post at any time,unless you are a journalist covering  unfolding events real time.For those who don't know this might come as as a shocker.Not everyone who has liked your page sees all  your posts unless they have activated the get notifications option.This because of the ever changing algorithms of sites like Facebook.Always post when most people are online and more likely to see your posts.Mornings,lunch hour, late afternoons and evenings have proven to be the best times to share content and engage with fans/followers.

#3) Use  pictures

The adage that a picture is worth a thousand words couldn’t be truer. People are more likely to click on photos since it saves them the time to read a paragraph.The quality of pics also matters a lot.Crisp and clear pictures go along way in convincing people to like and buy your products.I go through a lot of posts and the one complaint people have is good post but it's too long.Posting photos alone won't hack it.You need to tag people in them in order  to increase your reach.
#4) Engagement is key 
Communication is two way. It will be pointless to open a Facebook page and twitter account just to be posting/tweeting motivational quotes and some bible verses .They've become too cliche by the way. If you do that you’re better off investing in billboards and posters.Use open ended questions to get views from your audience or include a call to action.Recognize your fans by re tweeting and sharing their posts those that make sense of course don't endorse mediocrity) share their photos and reviews and have conversations with people interacting with your content and social media profiles.

#5) Use Hash Tags

This   is the easiest and most convenient way to make sure your message is seen by  more people.If there is a trending hash tag make sure you jump on it.Please think about the reputation of your brand before jumping on that hash tag  wagon.Placing some your posts on some cheap hash tags will be akin to parking your Ferrari in a pro box parking lot,totally out of place.For more on hash tags (see here)
#6) Consistency 

The main reason why social media interaction dips after a few weeks/months  is due to inconsistency.People usually start with a lot of steam inviting their friends to like their pages & follow them  before it wears off and interaction  becomes limited to 3 posts a month.Consistency makes it more likely that people will recognize your brand and interact with it (liking, sharing, re-tweeting) which then in turn, also increases your reach.This means you have to get relevant and useful  content for your followers(not so easy as you thought huh).

Did you know that if you start a tweet with a user name e.g @Victormutua9  only the sender, the person mentioned and someone who follows both of you can see it

Well now that you know.What are you going to do?? How about ............

 (image sources:web)

About Unknown

Marketer | Social Media Consultant |Geo Geek | Athlete

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